Company Maturity Curve: Learn The Growth Indicators
Have you ever heard of the company maturity curve? This is a popular concept in the business world, which measures how well a company is structured, managed and aligned with its processes. However, anyone who thinks that companies with a long history have a high level of maturity is mistaken.
The market is competitive, and one has to adapt well to changing times. Having solidity and experience are part of business maturity, but not everything. A company can be said to be mature when it has knowledge in the area of activity and knows how to extract the best strategies for success.
But it’s all right if you’re not sure yet just how mature your company is. The thing is you are going to be ready to make this better, and you’ll find how to do it after reading through this article. So here you will learn what a maturity curve is and how to estimate using company growth indicators.
What is The Company Maturity Curve?
The company’s maturity curve refers to its ability to organize itself to effectively manage internal processes. The greater the maturity, the better the business growth, since the alignment of conduct and systems favors the coordination of efforts and continuous improvement.
By identifying which stage of the maturity curve your company is at, you can anticipate challenges and define the next steps. This favors the planning of strategic actions in favor of organizational health.
It is important to highlight that a low maturity curve is not a definitive status. If assertive and targeted actions are taken, the company can reverse the indices and transform them into positive results.
This way, your profits tend to increase and the work environment becomes better, with more productive employees, since their scope of work will be well defined.
But there is no magic formula. To increase a company’s maturity curve, it is necessary to establish actions in all sectors and, of course, monitor these processes. Technological and organizational tools can help clarify what the next steps are.
Why is It Important to Know The Company’s Maturity?
There are several advantages to having a good maturity. The first of these is the growth of the company itself. We have listed some more below.
Establishes a Competitive Advantage Over Others
Knowing your company’s maturity level allows you to identify areas for improvement and pay more attention to them. This means targeted strategies and focusing on what really needs to be worked on.
Correcting these flaws strengthens the structure and makes your company more competitive.
Anticipates Possible Risks
Another important advantage, when we talk about the company’s maturity curve, is the possibility of anticipating possible risks.
There is nothing worse than being caught off guard with an extra expense that could compromise the financial sector , for example, or the loss of an important supplier.
By understanding where your company is on the maturity curve, it is possible to predict risks and, in advance, think of actions that can solve the problem, preventing it from getting worse and compromising the entire functioning of the organization.
Improves Decision Making
One consequence of what we discussed above is improved decision-making. Once you can anticipate risks, knowing the maturity of your company, this means that you will be able to make better choices, after all, you will have a much broader view of the company’s situation.
Provides Healthy Growth for The Company
Companies with good maturity are those with well-defined processes, well-structured actions and professionals aligned with their roles. All of this favors healthy and sustainable growth .
How to Measure Company Maturity?
If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably wondering how to measure a company’s maturity. And this is possible with constant monitoring. Taking stock, analyzing processes and always being willing to make improvements to what isn’t working is what will lead to a company’s maturity.
However, reaching the top of the maturity curve is not a simple task. For a company to be considered mature, it needs to present good results in several areas, such as:
- integration
- compatibility of goals
- productivity
- internal communication
- organizational climate
- performance indicators
- invoicing.
Company Growth Indicators
The company’s growth indicators are essential to understanding how the business is progressing and, consequently, how the established actions are progressing.
See below the main indicators of company growth, which help to support decision-making.
Productivity Indicators
These are growth indicators that show how productive an employee or team can be. Are they meeting the demands? Are they meeting deadlines? Basically, these markers help you better monitor your team and, if necessary, adapt your goals to something that is within the reality of each employee.
Capacity Indicators
These indicators are often related to CRM . For example, you can measure how tasks are being carried out: sending proposals, meetings with potential clients, and so on.
Quality Indicators
How is your customer satisfaction rate? This is an important quality indicator that deserves attention. Satisfied customers represent a team that is well prepared to serve them.
A well-known example of quality indicators is the customer satisfaction index.
Turnover Rate
If many employees are leaving your company, this is a warning sign, as it could mean some dissatisfaction that is not specific.
It is important to analyze this rate to understand the reasons for the increase. Often, it can be related to poor leadership, lack of growth expectations, lack of a career plan program, micromanagement…
Investigate thoroughly and, once the turnover rate has been identified, it is essential to work to correct it.
Strategic Indicators
Another example of company performance indicators, strategic ones analyze medium and long-term objectives. And this is valid for each area of the company.
Each sector develops its strategic actions, such as: increased sales, new hires, attracting new suppliers and these indicators must be analyzed.